Before having a puppy
Are Schapendoes good with children?
Schapendoes love kids and all humans. They are very affectionate.
Are they intelligent?
Schapendoes are more intelligent than the average dog.
They love to learn and work like all sheep dogs. They learn very quickly.
Do they bark a lot?
Schapendoes are sheep dogs, so they will instinctively notify
when someone is arriving, without exaggerating.
Is this breed very active?
Schapendoes need to run to exert bottled up energy,
but they also love to play with toys and to rest near their handlers.
Do Schapendoes require a special diet?
Simply a well-balanced diet.
When it comes to health, what are some things to watch for?
The Schapendoes enjoys very good health.
The only thing to truly watch out for is PRA (progressive retinal atrophy.)
How much does a Schapendoes cost?
Very difficult question to answer since it can vary by region,
availability and breeder from whom you buy the puppy from.
Are these dogs convenient for people with allergies?
Schapendoes do not shed a lot (somewhat like the Bouvier des Flandres)
but they aren't considered hypoallergenic.
Do they bring back objects that are thrown for them?
Schapendoes like retrieving objects and playing with their handlers.
Do Schapendoes like water?
Schapendoes generally like water and mud puddles.

Adopt a puppy
Please note that a non-refundable deposit is required upon confirmation of your reservation.
1. Fill-out the Client Profile questionnaire send it to Élevage du Bouleau Blanc (there is a 6 to 12-month waiting period.)
2. Visit at the kennel during the waiting period, upon appointment.
3. The puppy's price includes:
. Registration
. Vaccination
. Vermifuge
. Micro-chip
. Refund of 100 $ when the dog will be at 6 months neutering and a non breeding contrat
. Cage training
. Socialisation program
. Technic support after adoption
. Health garanties
4. Puppies are ready for adoption at the age of 9 to 10 weeks.
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Journée ensoleillée

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Contact Us
Colette Peiffer
phone: 819-425-8845
820, 8th row,
Mont-Tremblant, Quebec
Canada J8E 1X1

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