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A dog  that fits your lifestyle

Our goals is to find the perfect dog
that fits your families daily activities and overall lifestyle

About Us

About us

The Schapendoes' and "L'Élevage du Bouleau Blanc" started in the year 2000 with my meeting "Muscade", a small four-month-old Schapendoes, who came to stay at my "Inn" for dogs and cats. Her charm and easy temperament reminded me of a dog from my childhood who looked just like her. That is when I started researching the breed.

Since then, I have imported around 10 magnificent Schapendoes' from Europe. My primary objective is to share my passion and to breed dogs that conform to the standards of the Dutch Schapendoes Club. The criteria for selecting these breeding dogs are, health, temperament, type and conformation.

My twenty five years experience as a 'Maître-chien' allows me to offer you even-tempered puppies, thanks to their education in a family setting, a socialization program before they leave, cage training, and technical support after their departure. The puppies are evaluated to respond well to the needs of both owner and dog, the main objective being a harmonious relationship between the two.​

I invite you to visit us, by appointment only, please. It would give me great pleasure to present you to my Schapendoes family. 

The schapendoes story

About the breed


The Netherlands. Date of publication of the original valid standard: 26.03.1992.

The Nederlandse Schapendoes is a herding dog which was used for herding flocks of sheep and which is still used in the same capacity today. As pasture for sheep is situated mainly in quiet, lonely areas of the country, it is necessary for the Schapendoes to be equipped with great endurance, ability, and speed. A great facility for jumping is essential, as well as intelligence and the ability to act on his own. He has to be a true herding dog in character, body and soul.

Classification F.C.I.:
Group 1 Sheepdogs and Cattledogs (except Swiss cattle dogs).
Section 1 Sheepdogs.
Without working trial.


At the end of the last and the beginning of this century, the Nederslandse Schapendoes were everywhere in the region of The Netherlands where there was heathland and where there were herds or flocks of sheep. The shepherds valued him for the tireless pleasure he took in his work and for his intelligence. He belongs to the wide-rang group of long-haired herding breeds which have densely coated heads.

He is related to the Bearded Collie, the Puli, the Owczarek Nizinny, the Bobtail, the Briar, the Bergamasker and the German Schafspudel of the variety which occurs in the Hessen, Odenwald and the Niederrhein district. All these similar dogs are smaller mutations of mountain dogs.
The canine authority P.M.C. Toepoel, is the founder of this breed. During the second World War, he knew how to rouse interest in the breed. Between 1940 to 1945 the Schapendoes specimen almost vanished. They were used for breeding from wherever they could be found. The Breeders Club for Nederlandse Schapendoes was founded in 1947 and in 1952 the standard was set up and a Stud Book started. Definite recognition followed in the year 1971. Since then only registered dogs have been bred.


General Appearance: 

The Nederlandse Schapendoes is a lightly built, long coated dog with a height at withers of 40 to 50 cm. His movement is effortless and springy. He is a remarkable jumper.
Behaviour / Temperament: 

The Schapendoes is a herding dog with an attentive and courageous character. He is intelligent, watchful, jolly, lively, friendly and high spirited. When he is familiar to him, he develops great affection and loyalty.
Head: The abundant growth of hair gives the head the appearance of looking bigger and, in particular, broader.
Cranial Region:
Skull: Almost flat with a moderate frontal furrow and strongly defined superciliary arches. It is fairly broad in proportion to its length: the width is slightly greater than the distance between the stop and the occiput.
Stop: Clearly defined but not steep.
Nose: The bridge of the nose is placed a little lower than the line of the skull.
Muzzle: The muzzle is shorter than the distance between the stop and the occiput. The for face tapers hardly remains deep and ends broadly, being only slightly rounded at its end. Seen from the side, with jaw closed, the lower jaw must be clearly visible.
Teeth: Normally developed scissor bite.
Cheeks: The zygomatic arches are strongly prominent.
Eyes: The eyes are fairly large, round and set into the socket in a normal position. They are placed more to the front than the side of the head. Their colour is brown; they should not give the impression of being black. The white of the eye should only be visible when the dog looks to one side. The expression is open minded, honest and lively. Shape, colour, and expression are very characteristic for the breed.
Ears: These are set on fairly high and are neither large nor fleshy. They hang free, but not close to the head. They are amply feathered and mobile, but should not protrude beyond the outline of the skull.
Neck: The head is carried high on a strong, clean neck.
Body: The Schapendoes is slightly longer than high. The skeleton is fine boned, pliable and elastic.
Top line: Curved over a strong muscular loin.
Chest: Deep. Ribs are moderate to well sprung; they reach far back.
Lower Line and Belly: Not too tucked up.
Tail: The tail is long, well coated and feathered. The manner and way in which the dog carries his tail characteristic of the breed. While resting, it hangs downwards. When trotting, the tail is carried fairly high and swings slightly curved from one side to the other. When galloping, it is stretched out straight. When jumping, the tail definitely serves as a rudder. When the dog is alert, the tail may sometimes be raised high. It should, however, never be carried stiffly over the back.
Limbs: Forequarters: The front legs are straight and lightly boned. Good angulation of the front legs should emphasize the fore-chest.
Pasterns:  Springy.
Hindquarters: Pelvis; in a well slanted position. Hocks; moderately angulated, well muscled. Metatarsus; short.
Feet: The feet are fairly large and elastic, broad and oval in shape. The toes are tightly bunched. The pads are thick and springy, with plentiful hair between them. Dewclaws are permitted.
Gait /Movement: In his work, the Schapendoes gallops rather than trots, so his movement must be light footed and springy without excessive use of energy. He must be able to jump well and turn swiftly.
Hair: The Schapendoes has a thick coat with sufficient undercoat. The coat is long, a good 7 cm or more in the region of the hindquarters. It is not smooth but slightly waved. Definitely curly, frizzy hair is not permitted. The hairs grow very densely together; they are fine and dry, but above all, never silky. The coat, where it is long, is inclined to stand off in tufts, giving the Schapendoes a large girth, especially at the rear. The Schapendoes has a tremendous top knot, mustache, and beard.
Colour: All colours are permitted. Preference is given to blue-grey to black.
Size: Height at withers: For dogs: 43 - 50 cm. For bitches: 40 - 47 cm.
Faults: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
Disqualifying Faults: No Schapendoes which behaves nervously and/or aggressively in the ring will be placed or classified. N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.


The Schapendoes are typically healthy dogs. They can live up to 12 – 16 years.  Progressive Retinal Atrophy (a hereditary eye disorder) was a major consideration for our Schapendoes but since the last 10 years we have a DNA test that could be done in Germany. The National Schapendoes club in Canada also recommends that hips are x-rayed for dysplasia as a minimum test before breeding.

Some Schapendoes could also have elevated liver enzymes. It is believed that higher liver enzymes may be natural for Schapendoes.


The Schapendoes enjoys learning and it comes very easily to him, but given half a chance he will be quite happy to make you look foolish. They need at least a one hour walk every day to keep fit and prevent nervous energy build up, especially important in the first 2 years of their lives. They are, on the whole, not big eaters. The double coat, which is a predominant feature of the breed, may reach a length of about 10 centimetres. Their coats are totally natural requiring no trimming or shaping. A weekly brushing followed by combing is recommended when they change puppy coat for adult, in order to prevent the coat from knotting or matting. This is especially important when puppies are changing coat to the adult coat (usually about 6 months to 18 months). When there coat has finished changing, a brushing every 2 weeks will be sufficient. The Schapendoes does not have a doggy odor and a sound coat cleans itself. Bathing is only required when the dog gets extremely dirty. They are not considered to be a non-allergenic dog but their shedding is minimal.


Contact Us

Colette Peiffer
phone: 819.425.8845

820 8th rank,
Mont-Tremblant, Quebec
Canada J8E 1X2

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